On to the nitty gritty - we have been having issues for quite some time with our daughter - I love her, she is amazing, but somewhere along the lines (i really do take the blame for spoiling her rotten...) she has not learned to be grateful... So - - my idea is to create a gratitude journal for her - I would really love for her to get into the habit of writing out what is on her brain - - i know it has helped me so much to be able to vomit my thoughts onto paper..... or computer, or whatever.
My bug - she is amazing. She is SO smart. She is SO beautiful. She can drive me SO crazy at any given moment.
I mean, look at that girl!
So - in trying to teach her to be grateful, I find myself realizing that perhaps I should practice what I preach.. and with the time I am blessed with, because the little guy is in Kindergarten now... I need to put my money where my mouth is, and lead by example. SO, here is what I am grateful for right now....
I am grateful for my sweet son, who challenges me every moment in unexpected ways. Today the challenge was getting him to have patience while i figured out how to put his foulies on him. I am thankful for my daughter, and though we struggle so hard, I would not go a moment without her in my life. I am thankful that by trying to teach her thankfulness, and caring, I am getting a new appreciation for those same attributes myself. I am thankful that while my husband is away, I miss him more and love him more with each minute. I am thankful he is relatively safe, and for the most part doing something that he loves doing. I am thankful for a warm house, and security in our lives, when so many have so much less. |
I hope everyone has a great day!