Life Is What Life Is...

Nothing is predictable, let alone controllable.

So enjoy the ride, and never wish a day away

Monday, January 30, 2012

Creative Discipline

Ok, so, i have a 9 year old, and a 2 year old - discipline has to get creative around here. Yelling does NOT work - it just makes my kids yell louder all the time.  Spanking does NOT work.  Taking away their stuff does NOT work. (Seriously, Bug has had EVERYTHING except her clothes taken before... effect = 0)

SO - i came across something my fabulous cousin pinned on her Pinterest page... it's a behavior flow chart - yup. PowerPoint for behavior.  BUT alas, it would not download right - - so, I took the basic idea, and made my own power point image for it.

Let me tell you, THIS THING WORKS!  My daughter HATES it!  You know why she hates it?  She told me, "But MOOOOOOOOOM, I have to keep thinking about what I did, for a LONG time".


Finally a Mommy Win.

FYI - here is a jpeg of that slide - copy and make your own, whatever - but this thing is GOLDEN!!  Woot  Woot!


  1. Dang Jenn! That may just work for Hais too!

  2. Seriously - Bug HATES it. But i really have learned little insights with it - like when she was arguing with me - I saw it as being just argumentative - but she wrote out and explained "i just want to have a say in things, it's hard when you won't listen to me"....

    stuff like that makes you take a second look :)
