Seriously, you didn't believe me, did you? I warned all 35 of you out there who have read my thoughts that if I didn't get a response, I would just let this thing wander, like my mind so often does... So, here we are, huh?
I read a really, really interesting blog this morning, Single Dad Laughing - Ok, I didn't read the entire blog, but a few highlighted posts - and honestly I did not find it all that funny... But I wasn't reading the comical posts. I was reading about this guy's struggle with self image, and the bullying he endured as a child, and it hit me SO hard.
Wait, wait, wait, before you click away from here - I am NOT going to write about bullying - NOT that I don't have plenty to say on that subject, but I think it's kind of saturating everything right now, and I just don't know that I am willing to bare that much of my soul....
I AM willing to talk about self image, or lack thereof....
Let me start by saying I am blessed, I am lucky, I am in awe, and I am surrounded by love at this point in my life from my family, my husband, my children, and my friends. I am LUCKY. I have always struggled with my self esteem - for most of my life, I have honestly had little to no self esteem. I have always been the intelligent girl, the TALL girl, the nice girl... notice, even now, I don't write "the pretty girl", or "popular girl" - those are not descriptors I would never, nor have I ever used for myself...
I gave in to the voices. I gave into the idiots. I let all those negative morons have control over me, I believed them. For some reason, I listened to them - I allowed myself to fall victim to their prophecies for me - I nearly didn't graduate from high school, because I actually believed I was too dumb (strange, though, because I knew I was smart - but believed when I was told I was dumb - so I became dumb) I am lucky to have survived. Seriously. It terrifies me, the really, really stupid things I allowed to happen to me and around me because I was afraid of saying "no". Perhaps some day I will go into the stupid, dangerous, idiotic things that happened, but probably not - I will qualify it as NOTHING was illegal, just stupid. Very, very stupid, and very, very potentially dangerous.

Me, the year I graduated High School - hideous, and horrible looking, huh? If only I knew then what I knew now...
I can get past that, I can bury my own self loathing - that's actually easier to me than anything else. There is a problem with this though, beyond myself, this unfortunate trait of feeling fairly worthless has passed on to my daughter. My bug, she is AMAZING. She is BEAUTIFUL. She is KIND. My bug is full of WONDER. And daily, I see her believing in herself less and less, and giving into those same dark demons that have haunted me her whole life. The last year and a half or so have NOT been easy for her - she went from being an only child for 7 years, to a big sister, she went from living in Korea, and having lots of GOOD friends, to living in Germany, and having NO friends. She went from actually ASKING to go to school on days off, to faking illness and injury just to get out of class and school. Sadly enough, my amazing, bright, talkative, beautiful, wonderful girl is now starting to believe what the fabulous children around her tell her - she is believing that she is dumb (yet has the highest reading level in her class), she is believing that she is ugly, and she is believing that she is "not worth it"
My heart breaks for her. It is beyond torture watching a little girls light dim and waiver - - it is worse knowing that you are at fault. So, I will tell her I love her, tell her she can talk to me, and try not to get angry when she has a "nuclear meltdown" as we call them around her. That little girl is my world.
For the most part, I did learn to like myself - I do know that I am actually a smart person, I can hold a decent conversation, I am a caring person, and I will give you the shirt off my back if you need it, I am a good friend, and have learned to steer clear of the drama that plagues army life... I have learned to not completely despise each and every picture of myself, and you will find more pictures with me in them up in my house than ever before. (but most of them, are of my kiddos, they are the stars of my life anyways). While I will probably always have body image issues - overall, I really do like the person I have become - now if I can teach my Bug to like herself as a person earlier than i did, we will call that good. It took me about 20 years - - - the race is on now to show her how awesome she is, and beautiful, and wonderful, and smart, and "WORTH IT". Because in my book, there is no one more worth it than my kiddos..
Ok, I do really suck at housekeeping - I mean, I really suck at that -
It's funny, starting to write about this - - - hmm, a can of worms may have been unleashed...
**qualification - when I talk about being dumb - I mean that I made POOR choices, skipped school, did the bare minimums to, and often didn't get by**
I think I am going to work on this subject some more in the future - but in all honesty, I am done for now - this has been very painful to write, both emotionally, and physically (i have cried the whole time while writing this).