Life Is What Life Is...

Nothing is predictable, let alone controllable.

So enjoy the ride, and never wish a day away

Saturday, October 16, 2010


So, I just looked at the page count at the bottom of the page . . . 28! HA! Ok, seriously, as far as sites go, it really is pathetic, HOWEVER, hmmmm I find myself thinking "Wow, 28 people have insight to my brain".... Interesting.

I honestly don't know where this blog is going. One of these days I should pick a theme - it could only help my writing out, right? So, help me pick a theme.

There are probably about a million and a half "military spouse" blogs - Yeah, that is the fountain from which my life springs - but I just don't know that it would not end up with me ranting incessantly about army things - and that's probably not a good direction to go in...

I could write about my children - Lord knows that there are a ton of good anecdotes there, but it comes down to - - Well, that is 90% of my life anyways, can't I write about something new?

I could write about travel - I LOVE to travel - but don't think I have done enough to qualify...

So, little help here - for those that know me - what do you think the theme here should be?

Bueller??? Bueller???

P.S. If I don't get a little help, this will continue to be completely random, and non-coherent, just like most of the thoughts in my head.... just sayin....

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