Life Is What Life Is...

Nothing is predictable, let alone controllable.

So enjoy the ride, and never wish a day away

Thursday, October 7, 2010

organic schmorganic

Where to begin? I honestly don't know - - I am not feeling particularly inclined to write, but I am making myself do it... So here I sit, staring at the screen, listening to TV (i rarely actually WATCH it, but listening is enough most times)

I have to go to the commissary today, blech! I despise grocery shopping, and it is a necessary repeated evil. Lately it's even worse. We are trying to back off on the cheap food, aka, american animal products and dairy - NOT because I am anti-american, but rather the side effects are just too much.

My poor bug is 8 years old, and for the past year or so, we have been on an emotional roller coaster ride from hell. It's not her fault, the poor kid is apparently starting puberty - one of millions of kiddos who are a slave to the hormones given to them through the "good food" us loving parents give them.

The short of this, is that Europe by large uses little to no preventative antibiotics, or growth hormones in their meat - so, we pay double the price, and buy european meats/cheeses/dairy. It actually does bother me to not be trying to "buy american" when I can - but I don't want this for my kiddo. 8 is TOO YOUNG for puberty. We call them nuclear meltdowns, the daily freak outs. She can't help it, this poor girl is a slave to her emotions and hormones, which are all going near light speed these days, and her little head just can't wrap around all that is going on for her, let alone process it, and deal with it calmly. This is a hard thing for ALL of us.

It's so hard to remember a few things when dealing with my daughter - she is so smart, and so tall for her age, it is incredibly easy to forget that she is only 8. It is hard not to have unrealistic expectations, but at the same time you don't want to baby her. We had this big talk the other day, about responsibility, and why we need it. Bug's point? "Being responsible SUCKS". I totally agree, but then we talked about why it's important to be responsible, and why as you get older, you get more responsibilities... I told her it's my job not only to keep her safe, and secure, but also to TEACH her. I told her it's my job to teach her how to act in the world, how to be able to take care of herself....

My sweet girl's response?

"Well, Mommy, then I don't want to leave ever!"

If only it were that easy.....

So, we continue to do our best. We buy very little that can have hormones, unfortunately we have little that is organic or vegan available to us. But maybe, just maybe, we can arrest this, we can stop this torture for my baby - all I want for her is a little more time as a little girl. Is that too much to ask?

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